Wednesday, December 20, 2006

today went queenway to look for my sch shoes wif my cousin.. we brought the same shoes!! actually wanted to buy another design but no more sizes.. then after tat went Vivocity meet my aunt and cousin. went there to eat wif the adults after tat me and my cousin (Jia ying) went shopping and we brought the same dress!! hahas!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

today went out wif Cass and Alfred.. Actually wanted to go Sentosa but then got the feeling like its going to rain so we change our plan. and lucky we didnt go Sentosa cos it reali rain so heavily.. then we went to Orchard then to Bugis. I brought a red heel from Bugis junction..

Tis is the foto we took ytd night.. We was like so bored nth better to do.. haha!!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Today got my pay!!!! WAHAHAHA!! my cousin help me take it cos i have to go make my ic.. after making went Bugis meet her go walk walk then we went to eat our lunuch at Sakae.. I bought bag, watch, shade and shirt..

Sunday, December 10, 2006

went to Bugis watsons work today.. sell around 70 plus packets of chocolate. the ppl there also veri friendly. my parent came around 7 then they went shopping then after tat i wen tto change and go find them... we went to eat our dinner.. then they was like saying they saw a guy hitting a gal.. WTH!! then my dad say he should shout MA TA MA TA (in hokkien) hehe.. then after tat went home.. tml will be going there again..

Friday, December 08, 2006

Today wake up at around 8.45.. then prepare for work. my dad came back around 10.30 to send me to work but before tat we went to my cousin hse to take box for the chocolate and the chocolate brand tag.. reach west mall Waston around 11.10.. 10 min late... hehe. WTH!! there onli left 9 packets of chocolate which is SO LITTLE!! but i still mus promote the product.. cos tat the reason why i am there for.. haha.. i was like so tired and keep YAWNING.. then got one chinese appeared in front of me.. lols.. at first i thought he wanna chocolate but then NO!!! he say his frenz wanna my no. LOLS!! then say jus make frenx.. OF COURSE I WONT GIVE MY NO. TO STRANGER!! then he ask me am i a chinese...? OMG and also he asked i crying cos i yawn!! LOLS MAN!! the ppl there were friendly and caring.. but then tml i not going there.. tml will be working at Bugis..

Thursday, December 07, 2006

cannot take my pay today cos the boss nva come.. SAD!! onli will get it on fri or sat. today jus slack at home the whole day.. SO BORED!! tml going work at watsons for the nestle chocolate promoter.. sad i am sick!!!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Today went Bugis wif Cass.. both of us bought the same dress but different colour.. hers is black and mine is white.. after tat went ps find Yong liang at Yoshi to pass him the money.. and he treat us yoshi..HAHA!! tml i going get my pay!! hehe..

went queenway to meet meet cousin.. then we saw one nike sport shoes is like both
of us also like tat shoes.. Its onli $71.40!! MOn going get it!! hehe.. and tis coming fri,sat and sun going help my cousin do her job cos she going see tourment.. fri will be working at west mall.. sat and sun will be at Bugis.. then after queenway went to her hse and she teach me how to sell and give me one whole bag of chocolate.. Its DAMN heavy.. then after went redhill wait for my dad to finish their mahjong.. then went to the market eat supper then wnt home..


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Today when i was in the bus going to work.. then got one man came and sit beside me and he show me the map he wanted to go far east and asked me tis bus got go there.. then he also ask me where is tis place.. haha... he don even noe where is he at but he is not a singaporean..then he say to tell him when reach there but then i have to get down first so i told him to asked the bus driver.. then he was like blur blur.. HAHA.. today work till 6p.m. then i told my supervision tat mon is our last day then their face immediately change.. haha..